Micro Solution Quartz Crystal Points,
from the famous (and long closed) Jeffrey Quarry in North Little Rock, Arkansas.
These beautiful and extremely fine solution quartz crystal points are paired with microscopic and UV reactive Cookeite. These quartz points formed underground "floating" freely in another very interesting mineral called Rectorite (a clay mineral, also known as mountain leather to the old timers). Rectorite is very unique, with a strange look and texture somewhere between leather and soap. Rectorite is also very malleable and dissolves away and transitions into a pure white jelly like substance when soaked in oxalic acid. At that point, these fine quartz can be screened and plucked out with tweezers. Sometimes we just keep the rectorite on the finer micro clusters of this solution quartz, as it is interesting to see combined, and is rarely presented that way (more on that and the Rectorite in future posts). These were unearthed by Henry Delinde in the 1970s, and cleaned by us 50 years later.